Monthly Constellation Circle - Winter 2025
Join me this winter for a deep dive into the Field of Family Constellations and Sensethinking.
Hello Dear Ones,
I will be hosting three, day-long, in-person constellation circles: January 11, February 8, March 8.
Constellation work has taught me how much power we have to heal and to be of highest service to the collective. Clients who have personal constellations with me regularly share that the process has shifted their most challenging personal issues to create more freedom in their lives. Sometimes this happens over several sessions, sometimes a significant release occurs in a single session.
I highly recommend these workshops if you want to learn more about Constellation work, experience the unique heart-connection that arises when you represent in each other’s Fields, and discover how easily you can tap into and develop your own greater knowing.
What to expect:
Each day will have two personal constellations that can be reserved in advance, plus an additional process that will be unique to each session. This may include small constellation exercises for personal growth, or large constellation-inquiries around collective issues.
Monthly Constellation Circle with Aitabé
Second Saturday: Jan 11, Feb 8, Mar 8 2025
11am - 5:00pm
Location: Hidden Temple in Florence MA
Located in the Brushworks Arts and Industry Building
221 Pine St Suite #320, Florence, MA 01062
Cost (per date): $40 general participation / $150 for a personal constellation - 2 per workshop
Note: If you wish to have a personal constellation, you must reserve in advance. The additional $110 is due on the day of the workshop.