A Special Invitation for Parents + Educators
Why Constellation Work?
To understand Constellation Work is to understand how much power you and your children and students have to change the world.
This Saturday Jan 11, 2025 starts my winter Monthly Family Constellations Circle - and I want to extend a special invitation to parents and educators in Western MA and surrounding area.
The Family Constellation process is a powerful healing modality, and for that reason alone, it is worth the experience.
However, for people who teach and nurture, contained inside the Family Constellation process is something even more fundamental, because it teaches us that what we experience as a fixed reality is actually shaped by underlying living patterns and dynamics that we can change. This is true for ALL things, not just personal issues.
The implications of this are profound: you, your children, and your students are not victims or pawns to this world. You have incredible creative power - the power to re-shape the world.
Constellation work contains within the basic structure for how to tap into and use this natural creative force. It is my personal mission in the world to introduce people to this innate capacity.
Join me this Saturday from 11am - 5pm to awaken your own expanded knowing and your ability to be of service to healing and positive change.
Monthly Constellation Circle with Aitabé
Second Saturday: Jan 11, Feb 8, Mar 8 2025
11am - 5:30pm
Location: Hidden Temple in Florence MA
Located in the Brushworks Arts and Industry Building
221 Pine St Suite #320, Florence, MA 01062
Cost (per date): $40 general participation