But isn’t desire bad?
YOU ARE HERE to become a clear channel of your own Divine nature, the crystalline focus of your Divine Desire.
Join me on Monday Dec 30 to illuminate the Fields of your own desire.
Your Creative Power
The gift of this time of year is that we are collectively making contact with our personal power, our ability to create the future we desire.
But Isn't Personal Desire Bad?
Twenty years ago, I immersed myself in a Buddhist spiritual path. Once I had a couple of years of retreat and meditation training, I was given the opportunity to explore any question I wanted. And so I asked to study the question "what is desire?"
To my surprise, I wasn't permitted to study this question. The teacher offered, instead, "What is Love?".
Now, as I have matured in the past decades, it is easier for me to trust the wisdom behind my teacher's suggestion. HOWEVER, and this is where the paradox comes: the question, what is desire, only grew as a result of that retreat.
That was in the Fall of 2012. Over the course of the next year, "What is Desire" became my personal inquiry - and it was so much bigger than me. The culminating moment came a year later.
I was at a big Constellations conference in the Fall of 2013, and when we registered, we pulled a card at random that would be used in the final constellation of the conference. The card I chose at "random" was Desire.
On the final day in a huge constellation, I represented "Desire". As I approached each representative, I could feel their desire - and everything had a desire. The sky had a desire, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine had a desire, all of the elements had a desire. Well, except for one.
There was a representative called "Old Man." That figure walked around with great apathy - he was empty of desire.
You see, we have come to think of desire as our passions and cravings: I want sex, money, and sugar! But that is not the true nature of your desire.
The true nature of your desire is to embody the highest expression of the unique spark of the Divine that you are!
And, paradoxically, to discover who you truly are requires that you unearth the layers of who you are not. We do that by living, by learning. By moving through the layers of our craving to discover our greater longing - to BE the Truth.
Remember, I whisper to the part of you who knows, You are unconditionally loved! There is no judgment except self-judgment.
YOU ARE HERE to become a clear channel of your own Divine nature, the crystalline focus of your Divine Desire.