Truth, Deception, and Belonging

Join me in person on Feb 8 for my Monthly Constellation Circle in which we will look at how truth, deception, and belonging interact.

During this themed constellation circle, we will co-create a set of constellations designed to inquire into the difference between truth and deception, with the intention for each participant to discover how their body and greater awareness communicates the difference.

With the growth of AI, the presence of the rapid-fire and overwhelming amount of information we are bombarded with, and the way information is weaponized to divide, it is essential for us to awaken our natural but overwhelmed sensitivity to the difference between information that is coherent or incoherent / dissonant.

I look forward to seeing you there!

February Constellation Circle with Aitabé
”What does Truth feel like?”

Feb 8, 2025
11am - 5pm

The Hidden Temple
221 Pine St, Suite 320, Florence MA 01062


What is your team’s most challenging problem?